I've been wanting to post this cake for awhile but since I made it at the beginning of December, and tis' the season, my time has been taken up with teaching and lots of other fun stuff. I've also had some time to reflect on the past year and it has been AMAZING. I've had so many awesome students come from all over the world, been sharing my bakery space with one of my sweetest friends and have been so fortunate to have been in touch with so many people through facebook, twitter, etc. It has been so exciting and I am so grateful for all of it.

Of course since it is December the Food Network has been re-airing the Holiday Cake-off from MANY years ago! (I think about five years or something like that)
Sugar bow with disco dust (glued on with egg whites)
I'm also looking forward to next year with lots of projects underway and teaching internationally.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday filled with lots of sweetness. I told Kitty it wasn't nice to ignore me while I was working on her...hee, hee! Happy New Year!