This cake wasn't done for Columbus day but the theme seemed fitting. The cake was created recently for one of my favorite clients. It was her son's fifth birthday and he is interested in world soccer and flags. Since Columbus supposedly sailed around the world, here is a world globe, an airplane and flags of over thirty countries made out of sugar. All the details on the globe are piped in Royal Icing and then hand painted with petal (flat) powders mixed with lemon extract. All the flags were made individually out of gum paste, that's right each one was researched and then created by me, one at a time! Some flags took over two hours....check out the British flag, that's a lot of stripes!
The cake was our traditional Vanilla cake with Chocolate ganache and Vanilla Buttercream.
oh completely awesome cake! I can well believe it took hours!
wow that cake is fantastic and perfect!!!
This cake is gorgeous ... did u paint on gumpaste for the flags?
Thanks, for the flags, I hand-cut all the decorations out of gum paste and "glued" them on with egg whites
that globe is amazing! nice work and thank you for sharing.
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