Sunday, November 27, 2011

The 2nd Birthday Cake

I really didn't think my life could get any busier then it already was, but then just over a week ago my daughter turned two. There is always extra work when throwing a party, but I know all of my cake decorating buddies know the pressure is on to make your own kid's cake. Once again my husband begged me to order cupcakes or cake from a local bakery, but again I would not even entertain these thoughts, even if it put my health in jeopardy. After all, we are talking cake!

About a month before the birthday I had started thinking about a theme for my daughter's cake, knowing at two that this may be the last time I have any say in it...and had I given my daughter some input she probably would have told me this year what she wanted too!

So I picked the adorable main character from the book by Taro Gomi, My Friends. In the back of my head I had the image of an amazing cake by one of my favorite people and an incredibly talented cake designer, Kate Sullivan (her blog Cake Power is really cool too!). She made a sculpted cake of Frida Khalo and I have always loved it.

Here is a TINY image...visit Kate's website under "defying gravity" to really see the cake!

I'm sorry to say I didn't take any process photos this time because I was rushing like a mad woman late into the night. But my AMAZING friends at Satin Ice were kind enough to send me the pre-dyed Pink Fondant....It saved TONS of time. I just mixed the pink with a little of the Satin Ice Baby Blue and was able to recreate the intense fuchsia pink color I wanted.

The cake was delicious white cake and chocolate buttercream from our first book.

And it was all worth it when Sophie said, "Mama, I want to hug my cake!"
She also wanted to eat the bird!


Sarah said...

This is impressive, what a lucky little girl! good luck with the terrible twos!

sweetopia said...

So adorable! I love everything about this cake!

Joy Tilliridou said...

First of all, I want to say that I love this cake! It's adorable! Especially the bird :)
Then I want to add that I recently bought your book for kids, and I'm trying to attempt to make the ornament cupcakes for the holidays (and also, I ordered your first book from my Santa-fiance) I love everything you do :)

Bellenza Wedding Bistro said...

I can see why she wanted to hug this cake!

myrtle said...

WoW! absolutely impressive. .love it.
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trendy children said...

So beautiful!


Sugar Daze said...

Such an adorable cake! You are one talented mama! Happy belated birthday to Sophie.

Unknown said...

FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Frankly, I wouldn't change a thing. It was nice to have a recipe come out delicious on the first try without modifications. Easy, yummy, and it got tons of compliments...who wouldn't love that?!?!

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Canterbury Cakes said...

Such a beautiful interpretation of the book. Really lovely!

blogger said...
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blogger said...

I really like your idea and concept for your cake. Maybe it is much better if you will change the bird there like the one on the twitter. Anyways it is just a suggestion :)

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Unknown said...

The filling is yummy. I used a regular cake mix. That worked great!

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Great! Love this one.

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I love that cake. It is so cute!

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